Friday, September 28, 2007

Giving It Another Go

So, it's been several months since I've posted. Oddly enough, the last post deals with my recovery from foot surgery. Oddly, because today I just had the two screws that held my bone graft together - removed! So on the good side, I have another supply of pain pills... on the bad side... oh who am I kidding there's no bad side to that!

As a result of a long overdue one-on-one dinner date with Downtown Dad, and as the recipient of his amazing faith in my abilities as a writer, I am renewing my conviction to write. And I'm going to do it here - in front of Howard and everyone-(I'm looking at you Kimmisue) without filtering what I say (I'm looking at you Mom, and Mom) hoping for comments whether you know me or not.

I just signed up for the NABLOPOMO which means that I just committed to writing a post every day for the month of October. I'm starting now though, because I'm an overachiever. You got a link to this either because you know me and I always annoy you with links to my posts, or because you clicked on this site and wondered who the cartoon chick was. OK, enough with the explanatory crap, it's late and I have to save something for future posts. You may leave a comment now... (I'm looking at you Vicki!)


Jonathan Beckett said...

I'm going to do NaBloPoMo too.

I write fairly regularly anyway, so it's not going to be *that* hard to write every day.

I'm guessing the difficult times will be the days when nothing happens - but if I keep some draft blog posts back about obscure subjects, they can always be pulled in as needed :)

Good luck!

Grace Davis said...

Ah, yes, you and me both Linda. That is - write a post a day. I'm going to try NaNoWriMo, going fot the big guns of the novel. A sloppy novel, a novel with horrendous grammar, misplaced punctuation and metaphors so mixed up that I'll probably need an extra weekly therapy session.

Let's make a sisterly blood pact and cheer each other on.