Thursday, February 07, 2008


I lied. My arm was not better. I finally went to a chiropractor yesterday and again today where he adjusted my poor poor subluxated spine. About 15 more visits and I should be good as new....

Tess and Bear auditioned for the high school spring show last week and YAY - they both made it in!

Real Estate is picking up...

My 84 year old mom was in the hospital over this past weekend with a 104 temperature due to a urinary tract infection. I'm happy to say she's back home and recovered nicely... thanks to the ministrations of a decidedly flaming male nurse who just couldn't stop listening to her, then just couldn't stop telling my sister how FABU-lous her mother was, and who will probably call just to check up on her and bring her some of the tulips he grows.... what is it with the women in my family attracting gay men? What, I haven't mentioned that before....? Oh ho, there's a post for some day!


Anonymous said...

good luck with your arm, yay for the SUPAHstahs, and glad you're mommy is feeling better :)

Robinella said...

Did you say Real Estate is picking up? Woohoo. We are getting ready to re-up our contract with our agent.

I have a good feeling this spring, like it might actually sell.

Glad your Mom is home and healing.

Kim said...

I hope your arm is feeling better soon.

I made my blog private for personal reasons, and I wanted to send you an invitation but can't find your e-mail address on your profile. If you'd like to come over and see me, let me know with an e-mail to kc10867 at yahoo dot com and I'll send ya one.

Mary Alice said...

well, gay men can be so attentive...I would like to be friends with someone who grows tulips and loves to give them away!

Glad she's doing better.

Mike Golch said...

Hope your are gets better soon.I'm glad realeste is pickig up where you are here it is still way to many houses not enough qulified buyers.
I guess if my seizures were not the way they are I'd still be slogging thru the trenches trying to sell homes my self.